Sunday, 3 December 2006

Hugs & Kisses

ⓑⓘⓑⓤ ⓑⓘⓑⓤ

Unforgetable M0ment
Our Hugs and Kisses are so unforgetable.You made me feel im the luckiest girl in the world.
You made my life full of laughters. YOu made my life colourful!
Our Love may be the most Precious Oned~
But ... Faith might just sudden End for no reason. Why is this happening on me?
I always hope and pray for a long term relationship! I cant f0rget even th0 it has g0ne!
I will never f0rget as weLL..
I will remember today 03th Dec 2006..The sweet hugs and kisses that we had!
This wil aways be in my mind! After our break up... This make me feel our love has never faite away!
Jason, thank y0u very mucH~

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