Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Ching Ming Festival AKA Grave-Sweeping Day

Me,Nikki, Cousin Alex, And Cousin Jerel

Here we go again~

Re-union aound the Grave ~ haha!

Wow~ wat r we doing ther? PArty-ING?

Everybody is busy-ING!! mee too !!

Wow~ fashion show isit? shooting @ outdoor~


act cooL ^ us~

Wear my new slipper today orh!

You guys might think im bit nuts cos of posting this type of post!! wakak~ well, dont guess ~ well, im really gonna post bout this day!! cos ... i snapx quite some picx , hehe!! My ching Ming Festival was @ Taiping, my daddy's hometown and eventually i went back straight after my clas end on friday 27mar! I can never imagine i didnt slep for 33hours for that 2days man!! gosh!! my eyes turn really like a big panda! And my fren starts to call me Panda nicole... ish~ how ugly is that name!! well, lets enjoy the picx i've uploaded**

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