Sunday, 31 December 2006

b|bu dRive cAr s0 YenG dE....o(╥﹏╥)o

Jason Toh (bIbU)
Well well well....
This guY driVe cAr vEry YENG de...buT i g0t n0 ideA whY..
This Little d0g is My d0ggie..NAmed: Bibu..
Same naMe aS wHat i CAll Jason..hehe!
s0 maTch him~~ tHis d0ggie Is sort 0f Like our BABY...
HHEEHHEE..well, This pic i curi curi snap when he is driving
I Think he doesnt kn0w bout it, but he still put this display pic at his friendster.
hehe~! this shows that he like this picture loh? hehe!!! anyways, i h0pe thIs pic can save some good mem0ries f0r me....

Thanks Jas0n f0r letting me putting his pics everywhere!!! (WAKAKA)

Friday, 29 December 2006

Eric, Nikki, Nicole, Jason

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Hoe + Yan + Ling + Long
This Picture wAs taken @ Plaza 6th Floor on Christmas Day (25th Dec 2006).
I love all these pics s0 much! L00k h0w cuTe we are..(haha)....
m0st 0f ALL , thank y0u Jason, bec0s y0u are willing to spend your time to take these cute pics with us.
And ofcos thanks for fetching me there as well. Or else it will be very hard for me t0 g0 back Melaka.
Thanks al0t.. I had a Great Christmas ! And Thanks t0 Justin Low as well. Bec0s of him,i had a unforgettable
christmas this year! Thanks t0 every0ne!!! Even Th0 im n0t fEeling weLL..buT christmAS cure mY sick!
MERRY X'MAs 2006

Me & Jen

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Wednesday, 13 December 2006

ღ Lovely & Romantic Wedding ღ

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啊唷~ 就是烦咯! 唉......不过,在这一天我一次过看着3对新人

踏进红地毯..这些是所谓的幸福吗?很难讲哦! 有一对的新人,


又那么的瘦小!真可爱! 他们的主题曲竟然是"今天你要嫁给我" ...

有时会觉得蛮浪漫的~ . ~ 但我不会羡慕...嘻嘻 ~~~


醉晕咯ღ 祝有情人终成眷属

Thursday, 7 December 2006

"wai po" Preci0us BIRTHDAY~

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Grandma, Happy BirthdAy t0 y0u!
It waS s0 happy All of Us celebrating birthday with you!
I hope this is your most unforgetable birthday!
It was sad because you cant eat cake, Vegetarian day! SOB SOB
But i d0 h0pe in y0ur heaRt y0u can tasTe h0w tasty the cake was!
wAs w0ndering wHats y0ur wish this Year???? haHa~
grandma, you always look so young ~~
n0 maTter h0w many Birthday y0u celebrate,


y0y0y0....granDma r0ckzzzzz

Tuesday, 5 December 2006

cRazY Jen & Nis

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~Jennifer & Nicole~

2Little n0isy FeLLa wh0 aLways make Kacau kacau iN tHe 0ff1ce....
2 Crazy girL wh0 aLways Laugh s0 l0udly~
1 like m0ther 1 like daughther~ d0n0 who is mother wh0 is daughther!
bUt i uSe t0 caLL her m0m ... sHe says that shE is n0t that OLd lohh..
weLL , m1ss Jen al0t..Jen weNt t0 Shanghai f0r t0ur~
weLL,afTer shE is baCK...suRe n0isy aGain...
But anywayz~~~ Miss y0u alot...waiting for you t0 c0me back~

MISS YA, Ms Loop Lizard

Sunday, 3 December 2006

Hugs & Kisses

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Unforgetable M0ment
Our Hugs and Kisses are so unforgetable.You made me feel im the luckiest girl in the world.
You made my life full of laughters. YOu made my life colourful!
Our Love may be the most Precious Oned~
But ... Faith might just sudden End for no reason. Why is this happening on me?
I always hope and pray for a long term relationship! I cant f0rget even th0 it has g0ne!
I will never f0rget as weLL..
I will remember today 03th Dec 2006..The sweet hugs and kisses that we had!
This wil aways be in my mind! After our break up... This make me feel our love has never faite away!
Jason, thank y0u very mucH~

我等你~Waiting F0r y0u

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Saturday, 2 December 2006


陪伴= 孤单
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GossIp evEryWherE

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Why does human have to make gossips everywhere and everytime? is it really important doing such things? I cant stand all these SHIT anymore..Is getting worst and worst..

I hate it
Please st0p aLL those shit !

i have my right to choose everything that i want.
I can hang out with anyone i like ...
Stop making yourself acting like my DAd...
Even th0 y0u're Old enuf t0 be But i will feel shame to have a dad like YOU(PIG)

Painful of my Life

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Life Sucks~
S0me timEs i mighT think life sucks alot..It makes me feel so sick n so suffer.
Why do i have to suffer like this..Am i doing my right thing or am i doing a wrong thing?
anyone can be wrong any can be right. But no one can judge who is wrong &who is right.
I hate my life , cos i think it doesnt mean anything at all from the start!!everyting just getting confuse..Me? im just getting more & more sad!

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