Saturday, 24 February 2007

hApPy ChiNese New Year 2007

恭喜发财G0ng xI fA cHai ---- HappY cHineSe neW YeaR

mY dAddy l00k Like Choi San Ye ~~ HAHA

c0usin ~ Sams0n & Joes0n

12AM B00m~ iTs neW yeAr .... bAby j0rdaN s0 Cute!!
G0sh!! Its a neW yeaR adi..aNd i'M stiLL actng Like a kiD!! 永远长不大似的~
wHat sh0uls i d0 leh.. hmm... act muture doesnt mean change of everything als0 b0hh..
haiZZ...charMM.. buT nvm la... i Rather bE myself^^ d0nt think iM crazy huh...c0s
i reaLLy am crazt leeee..... nEw yeAr h0w much did i g0t ? hmm.. ^^guess baH^^
i spenD my new year at Taiping (thats my daddy hometown)...aLL my aunty and cousins are back.wh0le h0use s0 crowded & every0ne gather bAck again!! REUNION ****on dA 1st Day of nEW yeAr i weNt t0 tEmple t0 pray... thEn went t0 a vRy niCe caFe named "PRIMA CAFE"...niCE placE , buT bAd SErvice... aFter our lunch. We pr0ceed back t0 myaunty house luu..th0ught of taking a short sleep buT then Myfriends ring me up & after a short chit chat we decide to g0 out yam Cha loh.. Play until night ar0und 9pm mydaDddy came t0 pick mE & mysista.. Then F0llow daddy g0 t0 his fren h0use *bai nin* ... hmmm kinda b0red buT luckY g0t Wai Men accompany me..Hehe!! bUt...HP OUT OF BATT lee...ding ding goes ther low batt alert again.....0h 0h...herE it c0mes.... dong! hP turn off le...s0b s0b.... ...canT sms le!!!!! haiZZZ...nvm !! g0 back aunty h0use c0ntinue!!!
i WiLL always remember ----> we chat on the fon for alm0st 4hrs.... 0h g0d~~ new year day talk on the fon for s0 long!!!Wai Men ...... thaNKS f0r acc0mpany me g0 thru this new year day..
WaiMEn *ziRc0nIum

Wai Men ----
w n0t Christmas leh...d0nt weaR christmas hAt la... WEar dA biG head Thingy mah **
FrenSzzz GaTheRing

ERYK ..Lengzai lot lo~~ mY siSta & Jascha l00king up the Sky ~ & Mr.suSu, ur driving GENG..
Thanks for thE mashi Mar0 ohhh.... Thanks y0u!! ありがとう !!

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