mY 1st timE to Shanghai wAs s0 .... haha~! c0s i lEad the tour there with a bunch of aunties and uncles... and one m0re thing!!!they are VEGETARIANS~ oh g0d~ u all should kn0w la..vegetarians~~ so fussy all along the journey! 8days!!! haha! sum0re im the m0st shortest among aLL~ i lead 32 pax to Shanghai.. My colleagues thought i might lost my way theRe 0r what ...But wh0 kn0ws iM back and iM stiLL aliVe unTIL n0w..haha!! i foundzz my PicZz at thE poTat0 compuTer,s0 deCideD t0 upL0ad sum t0 Share lohHH~~ haha!!! weLL, hope u aLL enj0y it~~ thiS bl0g onLy f0r bl0gginG piZzz~ haha~
It Was s0 greaT to leaD thiS touR~ mY 1st Time In shAnghai! wel, went al0t PlaCezz.. My ShanghAi GuiDE xiao k0ng Was s0 Friendly and nice! hE treAt me aLL al0nG thE wh0le j0urney... Thanks luu~ hehe! iT was perfect to have a guide like him..so helpful & playful as well..whAt i like was the greEn Tea coFFee i drank at Nan Jing Coffee Bean!! iT was Great Man... i Never haD such greAt c0ffee In mY lifE bef0re..0h gosh!! miSSed it S0 much! wHen cAn i drinK agaIn? any0ne going to shanghai recently? pls help me ta ba0 come back for me ohhHH!! hehe!!! wiLl thank y0u al0tzz de!! but i kn0w is imposble ...till the time bring it back to Malaysia!! n0t tasty at aLL and it will only taste like plain wATer.. i miss tHere lotZzz.. aLL th0se delicious foods & drinks therE!! i put on weight after this tour!! seriously ohh! anD guEzz whaT? tHe wheather thEre Was s0 h0t man... AugusT ....m0st h0t de seas0n..wHy did they ch00se these dates to c0me? why why? sauna!!!
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