Saturday, 24 March 2007

-LiarzZz- CheatERzzz- 骗子-骗子-


Why do humans have to lie or cheat ? i just dont understand! today ... i understand so much! people wh0 lies and cheats alot will get bad returns back!! I dont mind getting cheat or lied by sum1 ... But i d0 hope that sum1 will get bad returns to themself in the future! i hate people who does thaT! 有些人敢做就敢当啦!做坏事不需鬼鬼祟祟的! 那些人应该明白我在说什么的! 以为自己很大就什么都可以吗?讨厌!!!!! 你们做得那么不公平,小心报应! 我这生人最讨厌人家背叛我,欺骗我,隐瞒我。。。。。等等!!!! Please think before you do sumthing bad! 0h god.... y0u guys think ya still young huh? ya think im stiLL a kindergarden little girl? easy to cheat huh? im sorry to say im already 19years old and ... a grown up girl! stuop treating me like fool~ i had enuf of all ya lies... Since you think ya s0 big then jz sound it out loud! dont have to do sumthing behind of us! i kn0w u guys wont have the chance t0 read this blogZz..WeLL, juSt t00 baD!! cauSe at Least i have a bl0g which can talk bout u guyz heRE .... below are the names of th0se liarZzz ....

- Milo (haTE)
- Tea (hate)
- kepocikor (hate)
- kopi 0 (haTE)
- Nestum (haTe)

i wiLL uSe theSE namEs t0 caLL theM fr0m N0w onWards!! baGgAr feLLaZzzz~

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