Monday, 26 March 2007

xX bi比布Bu 狗狗 Xx ~ i MizZ y0u al0tZz

bibu dogGie, m0mmy misZz y0u alotzzZ ... When onLy i Can sEe y0u & hug Y0u~ i Think n0w u suRE verY dirTy ad lu~~ i Want t0 helpo you sai bak bak argg~ s0 long didnt Wash u als0.. thaT mR.JAson suRE make you very dirty dirty wan~~ i dont like you dirty dirty de oh!! must white white and clean clean! and 0ne m0re thing! DONT LET ANYONE TOUCH YOU! i dont let kah!! i will jealous wan! or else i want y0u back to me! come back to me!! aikZZ`` reaLLy miss y0u ohHH~wanT hug hug u.. without y0u now i cant reaLLy sleEP... piak piak~ u bad bad didnt misS me de~~ hmmmm~ s0b s0b~

** bibU, i misZZ y0u **

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