Friday, 3 July 2009

-[OL]- Look の N³³CoLe

wahaha! Its me Gain!! I blog is surely becos i wan2 post up farnee picx laar..haha! I wont talk much rubbish here de..i duwan later my blog look like rubbish bin leh...yeee~ i wan it t0 look Fancy and pretty pretty ,,and ofcos full of my own picx lar..wakaka!

Count Down another 1 more day and i will LEAVE to Redang lu..Very Xcited leh..Im Lovin it man! Im going snorkeling also..Yeah! My most LOVE LOVe de...

Im g0ing to crazy leh !! cos of my Redang! Haha! Guess wat, Yday @ office doin nothin..Toook Out D White Blouse and try try try !! Hehe! Quite [OL] Look leh! haha! So i decided to snap snap snap gain lorhx~ s0 these are the effects..Give sum comments ya! hahaha ~ muaks muaks!!!

[YEAH!!!TOday back KL]


shumeen said...

nice style~ so sweet XD

N³³cðL³ の вúвü LìиG™ said...

thanks alot my dear

JsTeoh said...

walao ~

where got ol so sexy one ? ~~

pretty pretty =)

next time bring me to redang also ~

i also want snorkeling

N³³cðL³ の вúвü LìиG™ said...

eh,OL sexy ? u saying m sexy?
u sot meh?siao siao

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