Tuesday, 31 July 2007

Crazii BiBi pLaying witH his $$~ sh0wing Off his Sexy b0dy

Kam Yu Lou arggg
m0ney *kao Kao*..haha.. Sey body huh .. somem0re g0t sum Fei Zhu Yuk ~ wakakaka!!!! yeee~ppl see get als0 feel GELI loh..take off cloths like that sumore play with your money money!! hehe!! ppl will think that u r kam yu lou de leh!! this picxz quite clear lol.. use ah huat de HP snap de!! K810i wor! Cyber Shot Hp.. mai xiao xiao man!! haha!!! wiLL try to snap m0re crazii pix & upload s00n de la!

Monday, 30 July 2007

sumthing New and Different

Do u know wher is this place?
Eye On Singap0re.. Unbelievable leh.. HaHa.. not Yet Finish Building la~

Sumthing new ... WHich Malaysia dun have yet.. Very nice.. Swee & Tasty! New Al,ond Flavour & Peanut Butter Flavour.. It tase just so speciaL.. Guess Where i g0t them ? sEcret!! Is Singapore!! haha.. nice huh ?

Saturday, 28 July 2007

Eye oN Malaysia 大馬眼

“大馬眼”摩天輪(Eye on Malaysia)

*高 :60公尺*特色:俯瞰方圓20公里內的吉隆坡景色

Eye On Malaysia.. Well, how should i start to describe this beautiful place? hmm... hard to say... but i think is the most romantic place i ever been to.. I haven ride on it yet.. but soon... hehe!
g0t n0 time to go there... lazy.. and ..nobody teman me go leh.. !! need some1 to go with me.. especially my Loved ones.. is it possible? hehehe!!! if i ever have a boy friend who will propose me there..haha.. surely i will say YES outloud./././ joking~!~! weLL,to non- malaysian ...welcome to malaysia to visit our Eye On Malaysia~
++pixc copied fr0m Daniel's Blog **

Forgive Me 原谅我 - Daniel Lee




Oh baby 請原諒我
Oh baby請你回頭


知道你很難過我的心在顫抖我一砖一 瓦為你親手打造幸福輪廓


Friday, 20 July 2007

1dAy Trip @ Singapore

1 Day trip @ Singapore.. So tIred!!!

Bugis Street ~

This car.. How cooL Man !!
lotS of Tourist snapping picxx of it!
Including me~~

wooden Shoes Shop Maker

The Wooden shoes so big geh?.... My leg looks small on it!

2 day s0 free .. wanna go have a look on those hand make wooden shoes.suppose to buy a shoes for my office wear,but...I was hesitating if i wanna buy which... then ...i walk around the shop ...try a few of those wooden shoes... AT last i finally choose 1 of the one i like.. Guess how much it cost? hehe.. RM 35 for 1 pair.. hmm.. my aunt, grandma all say im so rich to buy such a expensive wooden shoe.. not worth it.. But But..... i love it alot ... I purchase it after ALL ... hehe!! I was fooling around in this little small shop... haha..how farnee!! i snaps a few picx... enjoy it bahxxx

Thursday, 19 July 2007

Ellese - Perform with Style

Jay New advertise ~ Ellese Watch ! coOL

well, so happy get to have all these stuff with me!! hehe!! is like dreaming.. if u ever want me to buy a watch .. (so expensive) ..NO way!!! but maybe for jay i will ...but but but... now im Poor~ pokkai lia0 lu!!hmm.. hope end of the month when i get my salary can buy 1 of it... Thanks to Nai ,, C0s he g0t me sum of those bookmarks..paper bags...Yish.. thanks man!! thats really cooL ... But i do hope to have a watch which he advertised... i guess this.... you cant help me out lu.. nvm .. i will earn money now.. to buy 1 ...haha!! and i guess.... my hong kong trip gotto cancel .. awaiting of my mummy answer..and see how she wanna plan it ~ well, sit down ..stare @ the paper bags.. i als0 *lau hao shui* lo~

Monday, 16 July 2007

王子 ~ 错了再错

王子 ~ 错了再错

为何你说谎 我却受惩罚
我可以痛了再痛 你可以错了再错

mY sh0Rt haiR~


Well, g0t no idea what happend to me... Sudden go to the saloon and just wanna cut all my hair short~ maybe im out of my mind .. but maybe im not..im just trying to have everything NEW... NEW job, NEW hair cut, NEW life, Everything NEW...hope everything will just be fine ... and peace~wakak..this is what i hope f0r!!!usually after i cut... i wanted to cry..bec0s is too SHORT!! oh gosh.. i was like a shock... reaLLY..

Friday, 13 July 2007

buBuLine @ Capricorn

Wednesday, 11 July 2007

PictuRe oF thE sEcreT

Jay's first movie will be on this summer
Source: United Daily News
Translated by: CJay (www.jay-chou.net)


周杰倫初執導演筒的處女作「不能說的秘密」確定要在7月27日於兩岸三地同步上映了,這也是今夏能在一堆好 萊塢強片環伺中,搶得暑假檔期,並進行大規模上映的少數國片之一,可見周董的魅力的確過人。

It is confirmed that "Unspeakable Secret," the first movie Jay directed, will be available in theaters in China & Taiwan on July 27. This film got the chance to be released this summer along with many good Hollywood films. We can see Jay's charm through the large scale release that is rare for local films.

今夏好萊塢強片眾多,一部接一部,檔期可說排得密密麻麻,在此情況下本土電影要想爭得一席之地非常困難,更 別說是兩岸三地的大規模上映了。而截至目前,今夏將在兩岸三地推出的重量級華語電影,一就是7月27日上映 的「不能說的秘密」,另一則是8月上檔、由吳宇森監製、陳奕利執導的「天堂口」,妙得是兩位導演都是初次拍 片的菜鳥導演,從某個角度來說,本土商業導演終於後繼有人。

This summer, Hollywood is releasing good movies one after another and it has taken up many time slots. In this situation, it is extremely difficult for local movies to get a time slot, especially if it will be released at such a large scale in China and Taiwan. As of now, the biggest Chinese movies that will be released in China and Taiwan are "Unspeakable Secret," which will be released on July 27, and "Blood Brothers," which will be released in August. "Blood Brothers" is produced by John Woo and directed by Chen Yi Li. Interestingly, both films have newbie directors that are directing for the first time. From a certain aspect, we can say that the local directors finally have successors.

「不能說的秘密」雖是在台灣拍攝,後製也在台灣進行,但發行關鍵是掌握在香港製片人江志強手裡,他這兩天邀 集包括周杰倫在內的台灣工作者齊聚香港,觀看「不能說的秘密」的特效成果,而「不能說的秘密」的最後版本也 將定案。

Even though "Unspeakable Secret" was filmed and edited in Taiwan, the power to release the film lies in Jiang Zhi Qiang's, a producer from Hong Kong, hands. In the past 2 days, he invited the Taiwanese crew, including Jay, to meet up in Hong Kong to look at the results of the special effects of "Unspeakable Secret." The final version of "Unspeakable Secret" will also be set.

工作人員表示,透過最後的剪輯,發現周董在執導方面的確有才華,處理起純愛三角關係非常細膩,絕非粗線條的 大男孩,未來絕對會再當導演。此片周杰倫不但當導演,故事來源也是他,另外他也與桂綸鎂一塊主 演。

The staff expresses that through the final editing, they found that Jay is indeed a talented director. He is not a careless boy, rather, he is a very detailed in creating a love triangle. They claim that he will definately be able to be a director again in the future. Jay didn't just direct this film, he also came up with the story and acted it with Guey Lun Mei. Synopsis of movie from link at bottom

劇情:高中生葉湘倫(周杰倫飾)出身單親家庭,在父親(黃秋生飾)任教的學校就讀。而在父親的耳濡目染下, 他熱愛音樂並且琴藝過人。某日,班上來了一位同樣喜愛彈琴的路小雨(桂綸美飾),兩人情感日漸加溫,然而小 雨總是相當神祕,還常彈奏一首未曾問世,但優美動聽的曲子。有天在一場誤會發生後,小雨再也沒來上過課,思 念小雨的小倫決心要找出這個不能說的秘密…

Synposis: High school student Ye Xiang Lun (Jay Chou) comes from a single parent family and goes to the school where his father (Anthony Wong) teaches. Under the influence of his father, he loves music and is a talented pianist. One day, a classmate, Lu Xiao Yu (Guey Lun Mei), that loves playing the piano joins the class. They two grow closer through time, yet Xiao Yu (Guey Lun Mei) is very mysterious and always plays an elegant and moving song that nobody has heard of before. One day, after a misunderstanding, Xiao Yu (Guey Lun Mei) never came back to school. Xiao Lun (Jay) missed Xiao Yu (Guey Lun Mei) dearly and decided to find out about the unspeakable secret.

shhhhhh.. [Secret]

Jay Chou 2007 Meterbonswe Picx

Jay so [Yeng]~

Unspeakable SecRe[T] - 不能说的秘密

Starring by : Jay cHou

词:方文山 曲:周杰伦

冷咖啡离开了杯垫 我忍住的情绪在很后面
拼命想挽回的从前 在我脸上依旧清晰可见
最美的不是下雨天 是曾与你躲过雨的屋檐
回忆的画面 在荡着秋千 梦开始不甜
你说把爱渐渐 放下会走更远
或许命运的签 只让我们遇见
只让我们相恋 这一季的秋天
飘落后才发现 这幸福的碎片


The cold coffee leaves the coaster
I hold my feelings very far back
I work hard wanting to get the past back
You can still see it as always clearly on my face
The most beautiful thing wasn't the rainy day
It was the eaves that you and I once took shelter under from the rain
The images of our memories As I'm swinging on the swing
The dream starts to not be sweet
You say gradually let go of love
Then you will walk further
Why go changing The time that has already been missed
You use your fingertip To stop me from saying goodbye
I imagine you by my side Before I completely lose you
You say gradually let go of love
Then you will walk further
Perhaps the lot of fate Only let us meet
Only let us love each other For this one season of autumn
I only discover after they float down
The fragments of this happiness
How am I going to pick them up?

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